Buying Sod Online
Buying sod online is now affordable and easy. Covington Landscaping is here to help you through all steps of your next landscaping project. Whether you are needing sod that grows in a shady area, or need fast growing privacy trees to hide a nosy neighbor, we can help. We have super sod prices here in metro Atlanta! All new sod is harvested fresh and delivered from local Georgia Sod Farms.
How to Lay Sod
Installing sod can be more of a project than expected. It is important to properly prepare the ground by tilling and raking out all unwanted debris. Adding a good screened topsoil is always good for new sod installations. Nutrient rich topsoil will help the newly laid grass take root and thrive in its new environment. River sand can be used as leveling agent, and as a soil additive for sod installation. If you have questions or need help with a new sod installation, don’t hesitate to Contact Us Today! We are happy to give you a Free Estimate.
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass is the most commonly installed sod here in metro Atlanta. It is drought tolerant and can withstand heavy foot traffic. This type of turf grass is common on athletic fields as well as golf courses. Most new homes are sodded with Bermuda sod during construction. There are many different types of Bermuda Sod. Tifway 419 Bermuda sod is the most popular. Celebration Bermuda is a more shade tolerant Bermuda grass that is darker in color, and easier to maintain. Tif Tuf bermuda sod is the newest to market, but has been proven to be the most drought tolerant type of grass. Bermuda sod prices vary depending on the type of grass, and how much is ordered. The larger the quantity, the better the sod farms are willing to negotiate the sod pricing per pallet.
Zoysia Grass
If you are looking for the best sod, we recommend using a type of Zoysia Grass. Zoysias are a more densely growing grass that can withstand some shade. The most shade tolerant types of zoysia is Zeon Zoysia, Emerald Zoysia, and Empire Zoysia. These types of sod cost a little more upfront, but have many long term benefits. Zoysia Grass can come with 450 square feet per pallet up to 504 sq. ft. per pallet depending on the type and which sod farm it is delivered from
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